Training situational awareness via scenario games.

Game: Safety Scenarios

Objective: The objective of this game is to help us develop their situational awareness, decision-making skills, and understanding of self-defense concepts in various scenarios.

Give it a go!

Scenario 1: Walking Alone at Night

  1. You are walking home alone at night and notice someone following you closely. They appear to be walking faster when you walk faster and slowing down when you slow down. What do you do?

  2. Scenario 2: Verbal Harassment While waiting for public transportation, a group of individuals nearby starts making lewd comments and gestures towards you. They seem intoxicated and are becoming increasingly aggressive. How do you handle the situation?

  3. Scenario 3: Stranger Approaching A stranger approaches you in a public place and starts asking personal questions, making you feel uncomfortable. They insist on walking with you or offering you a ride. How do you respond?

  4. Scenario 4: Confrontation with Aggressive Individual You are at a social gathering when someone you don't know becomes verbally aggressive towards you, making threatening gestures and invading your personal space. How do you de-escalate the situation?

  5. Scenario 5: Being Followed in a Parking Lot After leaving a store, you notice a suspicious individual following you in the parking lot. They keep close behind you and appear to be looking around nervously. What steps do you take to ensure your safety?

Scenario 6: Confrontation in a Crowded Public Place You are in a crowded public place, such as a concert or festival, when you accidentally bump into someone while navigating through the crowd. The individual you bumped into becomes hostile and starts verbally threatening you, pushing you, and escalating the situation. You feel intimidated and fear for your safety. Considering the crowded environment and potential bystanders, how do you respond while minimizing legal risks and ensuring your personal safety?


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